Money is the root of all evil?
No the ones stating this are incorrect in what they are projecting on money. Money is not the root of all evil (but yes ‘your dead at sea’ status and the current burdening systems are). The truth is that the robbery of our direct access to life is causing all the collective problems: the root of all evil is our stolen direct access to Earth, Her resources, and each other’s talents. And the reality of the now is that access to life (shelter, food, etc.) is occupied in money.
What transformation will be here when money is left out?
There is none absolutely none. And money will be replaced by another tool to power over, to control. That tool is already here: our stolen direct access to Earth by which your life force energy (time equity) is robbed from you.
What do we all NEED: access to life (shelter, food, etc.). So give everyone enough and the same amount of money for this: which we call existence money (bestaansgeld). There will be no poorness anymore and there will be no richness anymore in the old meaning of these concepts.
Leave money out and then? Is the sick psyche of people healed then? Do the poor have their shelter and food then? No because still their direct free access to life, to Earth… Her resources and each others talents… is occupied. All current structures and institutes are here to sacrifice you (and me of course).
Its all about our direct access to life. You can stand for your own free access to life (and that of your fellow humans of course: I live from the true ‘I-in-We’ which means when only 1 child suffers the I suffers). The correction of our ‘Dead at Sea’ status is our natural protection from the power over, the control from others.
So now you know why you do not have direct access to your birth Trust legacy. Stand for your own direct access to your birth Trust legacy.
Projecties op geld vanuit het tekortenparadigma
– Zolang iemand geld heeft, is er iemand die het niet heeft… dus ja… geld is gebrek en ongelijkheid. Einde verhaal.
– Leef er maar zo los van als je kunt tot de tijd komt dat het verdwijnt… praten over het veranderen van valuta of de manier waarop we handelen om iets op te lossen zal niets uithalen.
– Waar denk je dat ik het over heb? Het hele systeem is jobs, scholen, ziekenhuizen, politie, leger, overheid… het is allemaal nep.
– Je wilt doorgaan in dit systeem met het idee van valuta en zoals ik al zei is dat een gebrekkige manier van denken en niet mogelijk.
– Dit is wat liefde en saamhorigheid brengt met valuta oké… het heet corruptie (deze uitspraak gaat vergezeld van een foto van de paus…).
– Als je het over geld hebt, dan ben ik niet geïnteresseerd. Het is nep zoals al het andere in deze wereld en zolang het bestaat zal er GEEN nieuw paradigma zijn, oké? Het systeem moet imploderen alleen dan kunnen we een nieuwe creëren.
– Serieus, als je er zo over denkt, veel geluk, maar de waarheid is dat in een tijd van hoger bewustzijn er geen behoefte is aan geld als je begrijpt dat je losgeketend bent van je gebondenheid aan het fysieke perspectief waarin je bestaat.
Ja dit alles is waar vanuit het oude paradigma-denken van tekort en schaarste, maar het is niet de waarheid vanuit het levensparadigma waar ALLE Enige Erfgenamen levende mensen hun rechtmatige individuele deel van de hen door God gegeven Erfenis ontvangen.
Money is not responsible for the sick psyche in peoples mind
The sick psyche of lack and shortage is. And greediness and competition of course. We have to heal this sick psyche. Not necessary moving away from money is the solution to this filthy current system. When you feel the necessity of moving away from money your psyche isn’t healed yet and you have loads of projections on money which in itself does do nothing.
Yes I can imagine a world without money, but to me its not a necessity. Yes leaving the filthy current system is. Yes the filthy current system has to implode. So leave it alone and co-create the new living togetherness from the new paradigm of abundance. Keep life entrance in a shared state and when you grasp what I’m saying you grasp this is not about money at all: this is about our living togetherness.
The truth about debt
Debt and disadvantageous third parties, including your banks, cause debt for you while there is more then enough money in the world, and in your birth Trust legacy. This money is yours, but you do not have access to those, non-political part, money numbers. The concept ‘mortgage’ is a concept that keeps you in the old-thinking paradigm of lack and debt. When you want to buy a house for example, you should be able to go to your bank to complete the financing of your house with the money numbers in your birth Trust legacy.
From the new paradigm of abundance we include everyone
So we provide life impulses for everybody: we inform ALL Sole Heirs about the truth of their birth Trust legacy and the Inheritance Documents, and how to proceed using them: the Sole Heirs give instructions to the TrustTaxAuthority to provide them with enough money numbers (euro 2500.00 on a monthly basis) for their existence money for their life etrance (shelter, food, etc.).
After settling their birth Trust legacy the Sole Heirs have access to their non-political part of the money numbers and they will need a private wealth manager.
~Mascha Vdf Roedelof
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